My most fun project this weekend was making pirate costumes for all of us. We are going to a pirate festival next weekend. The kids and I are so excited.
For Skittles and Twizzler I cut some old jeans with ripped up knees into shorts. I cut them zig-zag pirate style. Twizzler found a plain brown shirt, a bandanna, and the tricorne hat that he got from Disney for his 5th birthday. He also found a sash I made him for Valentine's day. When he put it all together, he looked very piratey. Skittles needed a shirt so I gave him a striped shirt that I have had around. He wrapped a bandanna around his head, and a belt around his waist that he filled up with guns and swords.
Hershey already had a bandanna hat I made out of a cut off sleeve from a short sleeve shirt. I put him in a striped romper that has a pirate ship on the chest. He is our cabin boy.
The boys helped me to make my costume. Originally I had put together a costume for me out of a a maxi dress, a dressy shirt, and a scarf wrapped and tied around my waist. I put on as much of my costume jewelry as I could find and topped it off with a pink bandanna with a skull and crossbones on it. All together though, I felt like I looked more like a fortune teller than a pirate. Everyone else agreed. So I decided to add a waist cincher. Last year I bought some leather car seat covers. They came with head rest covers that looked weird and were really unnecessary. I knew they would be useful someday though. I cut them up and sewed them together. Then I used a hole punch and gromets to make lacing holes. The boys helped hammer in the holes and gromets. It turned out really awesome. That and a pair of the right boots turned me from gypsy to pirate fast.
I wish I had taken pictures. It would have made a great pin on pinterest.
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