I was so sick I spent most of the day in bed. Luckily, I have 2 desks in my room and the kids really liked working from them. Simple pleasures. They also seem to focus better sitting in my room than in the living room. I have to admit it is really convenient for me at the moment anyway.
We are starting to get into a rhythm. Today I staggered the lessons. While Daddy was doing math with my 7yo I worked with my 5yo on his math. Then when my 5yo started his seat work, my 7yo was ready for literature. Afterwards, he sat down to do copywork and I was able to do story time with my 5yo. Copywork went really well today and was done so nice. I was thrilled. I sent my 5yo off to do his writing while my 7yo and I did his science reading. Then while my 7yo wrote out his narrations for literature and science, my 5yo and I did his reading lesson then he was done for the day. Then my 7yo finished his map from yesterday and he too was done.
There were a few bumps in the road though. When it was time for copyork, my 7yo spent 30 minutes searching the house for his copywork book. I was less than thrilled... But it was not as bad as when it came time to write down his narrations. He searched for that notebook for 2 HOURS!!!! My 5yo also had a hard time finding his Kindergarten book. So tonight before I bed I grabbed a couple of medium sized plastic baskets and put their books and binders in them. From now on those books go in the basket if they are not being used. I am not the kind of Momma that wastes 2 days searching for books.
I put the bag of math manipulatives in my 7yo's basket too. I don't want a repeat of yesterday's math debacle.
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