Poor Hershey woke up with a really nasty cough. He has had a dry cough on and off since January but this morning it was wet and sounds awful. Luckily I was able to get him into the pediatrician right away. They put him on an antibiotic, a steroid, and a nebulizer. He also got a chest x-ray. I am hoping it is nothing but I am pretty sure it is asthma. I spent all afternoon waiting to pick up his nebulizer machine. I called them 3 times. They kept saying it was "being processed." Finally I put out an A.P.B. on Facebook and one of my dear friends from church came to my rescue. I am borrowing her machine until we get ours. Thankfully the pediatrician gave me the tubes and I was able to pick up the albuterol from the pharmacy.
So despite having a sick baby, today was a pretty good day.
- Both older boys did great on their math today. I am glad I did not jump the gun and go buy a new math book for Twizzler. He tried the same lesson again today and he only got 3 wrong. Skittles finally completed Math 3 and will begin Math 4 tomorrow.
- Skittles had a lot of bible verses to look up today. I really enjoyed hearing him sing the "books of the bible" song that he learned in church. Whenever he got stuck on what comes next, Twizzler helped him out. I think they know the book order better than I do. They certainly know it better than I did at their age.
- Both boys did so well with their spelling that they don't have to do it again tomorrow. YAY!
- Skittles already has our bible verse for the week memorized.
- Twizzler helped me make dinner tonight. We made shepherds pie. He helped me peel the potatoes. It was delicious.
- When we sat down to dinner Hershey waited for us to pray and then bowed his head and folded his hands. At the end of the blessing he said, "Amen" for the first time.
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