We have not started the school year yet but I want to get this blog up and running. My sister in law has had a blog going for about a year now called "365 Days of Positive Parenting." It is an awesome blog. It really got me thinking that I would like to do something similar. Homeschooling can be a very frustrating and rewarding experience. Sometimes we get bogged down by the daily frustrations and it can become a real chore. I want my children's homeschool experience to stay positive and one of the ways I propose to do that is to sit down at the end of the day and purposely point out the rewarding things that happen each day.
Let me back up and introduce myself.
- I am a Christian first. I love Jesus and He has carried me through the darkest time in my life. Without Him, I would not be the mom that I am.
- I have 3 sons. My 9 year old is beginning fourth grade. My 7 year old is beginning second grade. I am sure my 1 year old will be learning something new every day as well.
- I have been homeschooling since 2009 when I realized that my oldest son was struggling in preschool. I will blog more about that sometime.
- I am a cloth diapering, baby wearing, breastfeeding, and organic feeding mama. I did not set out to be a "crunchy mom" I just set out to do the best for my kids and this is what happened.
- I love to sew, scrapbook, make custom cakes, and blog. I am learning how to cook thanks to Pinterest. Maybe I will share some of my creations on here too.
I am a real person with real children who have real names but as the internet can be a kind of scary place, I prefer anonymity. So I have come up with nicknames for each of us. One of my favorite movies is "Where the Heart Is" A character in that movie named her children after her pregnancy cravings. So for my children, we will refer back to my pre-organic diet days. My oldest son made me crave Skittles. With my middle son I ate Twizzlers nearly every day. With my youngest I just wanted Hershey bars. So there you go; Skittles, Twizzler, and Hershey.
Welcome to 365 Days of Happy Homeschooling.
I love it!! and I love and miss you!!! I know I am following the Lord's will in putting the boys in school.... I hope that next year we are home again. This makes me miss it.
ReplyDelete{do you think you will transfer things over from your other blog? you had some great information over there that I still use!}
I love and miss you too. Yes, I will definitely be sharing some of my ideas from my old blog. As long as you are following His will, you really can't go wrong!