Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 15 First Day of Co-op

I am blessed to be a part of a large homeschool community. We get together for parks days, birthday parties, field trips, and skate days like the one we went to yesterday. This is going to be my 5th year homeschooling and I know I could not have done it without the amazing support of fellow homeschool families. 
My homeschool group meets once a month. We plan field trips. We have a science fair, social studies fair, night of the arts, spelling bee, and yearbook. At the end of the year the kids get to walk across the stage during a promotion ceremony. We also have a weekly co-op where families can join and sign up to teach and attend classes. 
I am leading a book club for K-2nd grade, teaching a letter of the week class for the preschoolers, and helping out in the nursery. 
Twizzler is taking my book club class, handwriting, and art. His schedule rotates every other week. Next week he will take P.E, math, Spanish, and stories with grandparents. 
Skittles is taking math, book club, art appreciation, and every other week he takes P.E.
Hershey is in the nursery where there are lots of friends to make, toys to play with, songs to sing, and laps to sit in. 
It is easy to find happy moments today. In fact, it is hard to narrow them down. 
  1. We made it out the door, on time, with all of our baggage, and all 3 boys looked awesome in their new back-to-school outfits. 
  2. For the first year ever, both boys actually made it to all the right classes on the first day. Before class, all the students meet in one large room and the students are lined up one class at time. I teach the youngest classes so I line up and leave before my older boys do. In the past they have just hopped in whatever line looked like the most fun and I did not find out until after the class was over. This year, I made index cards with their name, grade, and class schedule on one side and allergies on the other. 
  3. I had lots of help in both of the classes I taught. I LOVE having helpers. 
  4. This is the first year that I have taught one of my own children at co-op. Twizzler said that my class was his favorite. 
  5. Skittles liked all his classes, especially art. He has been working all afternoon to perfectly trace Leonardo Da Vinci's sketch the Head of Leda. He told his dad it was the head of Princess Leia. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you meet in a school or something? It all sounds very interesting to me. So once a week you all meet up and teach a few classes for the day? That is really awesome. How many kids/families attend the co-op?
