Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Victory Dance

  1. In Skittles book, Snow Treasure, the children made their first trip across Nazi territory. It is getting interesting. 
  2. In science they read more about Thomas Jefferson's study of the animals in North America. 
  3. Twizzler was so excited about his new library books that he read them both today. 
  4. In history we read about King Phillips War. 
  5. Hershey loved hearing his brothers read to him as usual. He was trying to get Twizzler to turn the pages a bit faster though. 
  6. Hershey seems to be adding a new word to his vocabulary daily. This week I heard him call out for his blanket at bedtime, "LOVEY!" Just as clear as day. He also said "Oh well" and told his brothers when they were acting silly, "STOP!"
  7. I changed out the shower head in my bathroom all by myself and then I did a pretty wild victory dance. Hershey joined me but Twizzler just rolled his eyes and walked away.
Remember my Chore Chart? Well, this week I tried something new. I wrote down each subject we need to do each week on an index card. Then I placed them in the flip chart. When a subject is complete, I take the card out. This way the kids can see exactly what we have to do and what has been done. It keeps us motivated. 

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