Wednesday, May 28, 2014


  1. We did not do any school work today. I have decided to call it summer. We are still going to do math lessons a couple times a week. 
  2. All 3 boys helped me clean out the van today. It was full of beach sand, crushed Goldfish crackers, crayons which thankfully were not melted, lollipop sticks, and pencils.... We are always trying to find a pencil in the house. Apparently they were all out in the car. Who knew?
  3. I started packing for our upcoming vacation. I made the boys a checklist of things that needed to be packed. Then I told them to check off the things on the list as they pack them. This is the first time that they actually did a good job. I had to go through and check and yes there were a few things I needed to correct, like Skittles packed a few dirty shirts to meet his shirt quota. Twizzler packed only pajama bottoms. It was easily fixed and OH, it is sooooo awesome to not have to pack for them.
  4. At church the boys had a movie and game night. They decorated boxes to look like rally cars and were supposed to race them down a hill. I was told they did not get chance to race the box they worked on but they still had a lot of fun. 
  5. Each of the boys got a balloon as we walked out of church. Hershey was so careful with his until he got in the car and then he somehow popped it. When we opened the van door, Skittles balloon flew out and took off into the sunset. Twizzler's balloon was the only one to make it home.                                           

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