Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 19 She Sell Seashells...

  • Today we classified mollusks into either bilateral or unilateral. Luckily I have a TON of seashells so we got to actually dig through actual shells instead of just classifying them based on pictures in a book. 
  • I began a women's bible study this morning. I am looking forward to studying the book of Hebrews over the next 12 weeks. I am also looking forward to the fellowship with other Godly women. 
    • Twizzler is learning about lines and line segments in Math. He said it was his favorite thing today. 
    • When we do our English lesson, Hershey climbs up in his high chair. He loves to do school with his big brothers. 
    • In history, we learned about Pocahontas. She is my favorite Disney princess because she is the only one who actually lived. She led quite an amazing life. 
    • Skittles wrote a book report about Sitting Bull. 

    1 comment:

    1. That is awesome to have those shells for the kids to sort. I am sure that is much better than looking in a book or at pictures. I think hands on learning is the best way to learn and they brain retains stuff better. Keep up the great work and enjoy your Bible study <3
