Hershey was up all night coughing. My day consisted of frantically making phone calls to find a sub for my co-op classes and getting Hershey in to see the Doctor. It turns out that he has RSV and an ear infection. This poor little guy. We did not get much school work done today. I think that tomorrow we will do the rest of the work that was not done today.
- Twizzler likes his new handwriting so much that he did 4 pages of it today.
- Skittles read the next chapter in Snow Treasure. He is doing good with his written narrations too.
- Twizzler went back and did the lesson that he skipped yesterday in math. He did much better with the lesson and even won an extra point on the bonus round. He told me, "I like to count with my fingers." So I watched him as he tapped each finger on his nose as he counts them. I thought that was very cute.
- Skittles did a cursive lesson. He has beautiful writing.
- Once all of my running around was done, I came home and took a nap with Hershey while the big boys played quietly in their bedroom.
- When I told the boys that we were going to have to stay in for the weekend they both were really sad that they were going to miss church and their first ever Trail Life meeting. Then a friend from church wrote me and asked if they could go to church with her family and have a sleep over. They would take them to the meeting on Sunday too. What a huge blessing. They were so excited they packed up their bag right away.
- After a nearly 3 day long food strike, I finally found something Hershey would eat more than 3 bites of, sugar cookies. I know it is not ideal but I am glad he is putting something in his belly instead of all over the floor. They really are tasty cookies. They are break apart cookies that are Non-GMO certified. I like that I can just break off what I need and have dessert done in 10 minutes.
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