We are still alive. We took the week off of school. Little Hershey caught a case of RSV. Twizzler and I got it soon after, well head colds anyway. It has been a rough week but I am happy to report that we are finally all on the mend. Skittles was spared the dreaded pestilence. He was bored to tears all week though. I am so thankful to our friends and family who helped keep him busy. Today he went on a hike through a swamp with our homeschool group thanks to a friend who offered to take him. He learned a lot and made some great observations.
So since I have not blogged all week I will try to do a quick recap.
- Skittles was able to go to his first Trail Life meeting. He had such a great time. I heard all about it when he got home.
- The boys built a Lego city in their bedroom. It is pretty impressive in both size and detail.
- Hershey learned the hand movements to "Where is Thumbkin."
- A friend blessed us with a spaghetti dinner on the day I felt the worst. I had been dreading getting out of bed and cooking when she called and offered to bring me dinner. It was wonderful.
- I had time to make a new diaper for Hershey using some fabric left over from a pillow case I made for Twizzler and that super hero cape.
- The pediatrician saw the boys today for a follow-up and cleared them to go back out into the world. So tomorrow we can go to co-op. YAY!!!
I made it through a week full of nebulizer treatments, lots of meds, and nearly no sleep but I made it. Hallelujah.
Glad you were able to find the strength to pull through this week, I cannot fathom how difficult it is to be sick and have sick kids without the extra help. I wish we lived closer so I could have helped out this week. As always your boys are blessed to have a strong mother that didn't give up when things got tough. <3 you
ReplyDeleteYou're amazing!