We have family in town for a couple of weeks. We are really having too much fun with each other. It was hard to keep the boys focused on their school work.
- Both boys were eager to start reading. Both boys started a new book yesterday. Twizzler began reading Frog and Toad All Year By Arnold Lobel. Skittles is reading Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective Donald Sobol.
- They hated to be hidden away in my bedroom at the computer for their math lessons so after the lectures, I printed off the work pages and let them sit at the table with the family.
- We tried to have a park day and succeeded for about 20 minutes but then it started to rain on us. So we met some of the families at the brand new Chuck E. Cheese's. The kids had a blast with their friends. They ran from one side of the place to another.
- When we came home we had a lesson on the branches of government. SIL and I both had a light bulb moment, "OH! That is how that works." To be fair SIL grew up in England. I have no excuse for not learning this other than, I went to public school.
- We were crunched for time and had to finish up our English lesson while waiting to get the boys yearbook pictures taken. Which by the way turned out so great I ordered an 8x10 of each.
- When I came home SIL had been teaching Hershey some cute little hand rhymes and reading stories.
It was a blessed day.
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